Copyright is the exclusive legal right to produce, reproduce, publish, or perform an original literary, artistic, dramatic, or musical work. It is a form of intellectual property protection that allows creators to financially benefit from their creative endeavours by giving them the right to authorize or prohibit certain uses of their work. Copyright laws vary from country to country, but they generally provide creators with a set of rights that typically include reproduction, distribution, public performance or display, and the creation of derivative works.
Copyright protection is automatic upon the creation of original work and does not require formal registration, although registration may be necessary to enforce certain legal remedies in case of infringement. It's important to note that copyright protection does not extend to ideas, concepts, facts, methods, or systems. It only covers the expression of those ideas in a tangible form.
At Artis Legal, we advise on the protection, maintenance, and exceptions to copyrights to ensure that our clients can conduct their business with ease. We also advise on licensing and due diligence when it is necessary for the economic benefit of our clients.

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To briefly discuss your legal issue, schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Apurva.
Schedule a 30-minute consultation
If you need more time to discuss your legal issue, schedule a 30-minute session. Please note that only 15 minutes is free. Rest is payable at $250 per hour.